Why You Shouldn’t Shop When Sleepy

Why You Shouldn’t Shop When Sleepy

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Grocery Shopping Choices

Imagine this scenario: you’ve been up all night studying for an exam, working a double shift, or caring for a sick child. The next morning, you realize your fridge is empty, and you head to the grocery store. Before you step through those automatic doors, stop and reconsider. Shopping while sleep-deprived can affect your choices more than you think.

The Science Behind Sleep and Shopping

A 2013 Swedish study published in Obesity explored how sleep deprivation influences grocery shopping behavior. In a simulated supermarket, participants stocked up on items after a full night of rest and again after a sleepless night. Despite being given identical budgets and a 650-calorie breakfast before shopping, participants who were sleep-deprived purchased significantly more calories.

The Role of Hunger Hormones

Ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger, was found to be higher in sleep-deprived participants. Interestingly, the amount of calories they purchased was not directly linked to ghrelin levels. This suggests other factors—like impaired decision-making due to fatigue—may play a bigger role.

Why Sleep Deprivation Leads to Poor Decisions

Research shows that lack of sleep can impair judgment, including decisions made while shopping. When tired, people are more prone to impulsive choices, buying high-calorie or unhealthy foods they might normally avoid.

Tips for Smart Shopping, Even When You’re Tired

  • Make a List: Prepare a shopping list in advance to avoid impulse purchases.
  • Eat Before Shopping: A healthy meal can help curb cravings and reduce unnecessary buys.
  • Rest If Possible: Even a short nap can improve focus and decision-making.


At Willing Ways, we emphasize healthy habits that contribute to overall well-being. Being a smart shopper means understanding how sleep deprivation can influence your decisions. Next time you’re tempted to shop after an all-nighter, prioritize rest or use mindful strategies to stick to healthier choices.

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