Category Archives: Health & Wellness

Yoga: Good for Addicts & The Rest of Us

Yoga Good for Addicts and the Rest of Us

Yoga is often misunderstood—some see it as just physical exercise, while others view it as a pathway to healing and growth. Recent studies show that yoga profoundly impacts the brain, much like meditation does. By pairing yoga with mindfulness, individuals can tap into both physical and emotional healing, making it an essential resource in addiction[…]

10 Reasons Why Some of Us Are So Vulnerable to Depression

10 Reasons Why Some of Us Are So Vulnerable to Depression

Understanding the Root Causes of Depression Can Help Improve Mental Health Depression is a complex mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It often results from a mix of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Knowing why some people are more vulnerable to depression can help in developing better coping mechanisms and treatment plans.[…]

Alcohol Hangover: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Alcohol Hangover Hanging over the commode or what

What Is a Hangover? A hangover, also known as veisalgia, follows heavy drinking, marked by headache, nausea, fatigue, and more. Despite a night’s rest, alcohol’s lingering effects impair functionality, making activities like driving or decision-making dangerous. Symptoms and Causes Hangovers peak when alcohol leaves the bloodstream, causing dehydration, low blood sugar, and acetaldehyde toxicity. Common[…]

The Dopamine Reward System: Friend or Foe?

The Dopamine Reward System Friend or Foe

Getting Dopamine From Your Best Connections Not Your Worst Vices Dopamine is trending as the most popular neurotransmitter. And why not? There are days I think it rules the world or at least the day-to-day activities of my friends and family. The craving you have when you smell the coffee brewing in the morning—thank dopamine. That elation you feel[…]

8 Reasons It’s So Hard to Overcome a Tough Childhood

8 Reasons It’s So Hard to Overcome a Tough Childhood

Understanding What Prevents Healing Can Be The First Step Toward Recovery Trauma experienced in childhood has a special ability to wound, especially when it includes emotional, physical, or sexual abuse or neglect. The falloutechoes through the years and causes negative consequences, such as higher risks of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, obesity, behavioral problems, and health problems such as heart disease. One study that followed hundreds of adolescents over[…]

10 Keys to Happier Living Based on Self-Acceptance

10 Keys to Happier Living Based on Self-Acceptance

“learning to Love Yourself” Might Actually Be “The Greatest Love of All.” A March 2014 survey by psychologists who study happiness identified “ten keys to happier living” and daily habits that make people genuinely happy. In an unexpected finding, the psychologists at the University of Hertfordshire who performed the survey found that the habit which corresponded most closely[…]

What is Healthy Distraction?

What Is Healthy Distraction

During addiction recovery, one powerful technique often used is distraction. While “distraction” might sound negative—like being distracted while driving—healthy distraction is a valuable tool for preventing relapse. This article explains how healthy distraction works, its role in recovery, and how it helps maintain sobriety. Understanding Healthy Distraction Healthy distraction is a way of shifting attention[…]

13 Reasons Why Setbacks Should Never Stop You

13 Reasons Why Setbacks Should Never Stop You

When working on self-improvement, setbacks can often feel like failures. Whether it’s indulging in a late-night fast-food craving or struggling to quit smoking despite several tries, setbacks can be discouraging. However, they’re not the end of the road. Instead, they’re an essential part of the process. Research shows that each failed attempt can increase your[…]

The Workaholic Breakdown – The Loss of Spirituality

The Workaholic Breakdown – The Loss of Spirituality

The Loss of Spirituality Makes It Doubly Hard to Recover From Workaholism When work becomes the “sacred cow,” personal and often professional values change. Faith often weakens because little energy is left over to pursue and find the spiritual side of life. For those who have lost their spirituality, or never had it, this is a[…]

Making Mountains Out of Molehills and Ending Up in Hell!

Making Mountains out of Molehills and Ending up in Hell!

Catastrophizing is a pattern of thinking where small issues are blown out of proportion, creating overwhelming and distressing thoughts. For instance, a minor scratch on a car or a stain on the carpet may lead to spiraling fears about larger, unrelated consequences. This form of irrational thinking can drive chronic worry and anxiety, leaving individuals[…]

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