Steps to Control Anger
For this purpose and to help restore blood flow in the brain to activate reasoning, the following steps must be taken:

Step 1: Learn to Identify Our Triggers
The first step is to identify what makes us angry. We can use mindfulness to assess the emotions we feel during various events. We must learn to identify which situations, what actions of others, which of our thoughts, and what things trigger our anger. When we can actively recognize our activating scenarios, we can work on managing our anger in a better way.

Step 2: Recognizing Our Signs of Anger
Identifying when we are starting to become angry or when something has made us mad is an important step. We must learn to look for the physical signs such as feeling hot, feeling the muscles tighten, clenching our jaw, making fists, pointing, exaggerated hand gestures, neck, and shoulder muscle tension, shaking, etc. All these warning signs tell us that we are becoming agitated and no sooner will we start yelling, making threats, or start up a physical fight.

Step 3: Use Anger Management Techniques
Once we are able to identify our triggers and warning signs, we are steps ahead in managing our anger. At that point, we can apply some management techniques to help calm ourselves down and start thinking rationally.