How to Train Yourself
This program teaches you a range of proven techniques for altering your emotional states and body physiology and allowing you to choose and use the techniques that put you in the ideal performance state for any performance situation. Mental toughness is really an emotional skill. It is an acquired skill in the area of emotional control. This program teaches you how to utilize energy more effectively and to improve your capacity for energy recovery.
You learn about energy recovery mechanisms and how to train during non-work periods so that optimal performance is achievable during work periods. Stress is, in fact, a reaction to an event. It is a biochemical event that takes place in your body that is a reaction to things you see around you. We have to understand that stress is a part of our lives. Physical exercise helps us to stabilize our mood so much that exercise is called a mood elevator. For those people who struggle with mood problems, stress, and emotional roller coasters, exercise serves to be very helpful.
It stimulates mood and energy production and helps to eliminate a lot of problems associated with depression. Exercise considerably increases a person’s energy reserves. This will lead to a greater capacity for work, a greater capacity for stress as you deal with your energy demands better. You will have the capacity for longer work hours, your concentration, focus, ability to tackle those tasks will increase and you will not fade out as you will have the capacity for longer work hours.
Exercise builds self-image. Self-image and self-esteem are at the core of Mental Toughness. Exercise gives you a new and improved image of start believing in yourself. There is a high you get from exercise that is really addictive once you get used to it. It is said that the high you get is good for you as compared to other addictions. Many researchers and psychologists believe that this addiction is caused by the endorphin response.