Marital Counseling
Willing Ways caters to the needs of marital counseling. Marital counseling serves to repair the damage caused and help couples strengthen their marriage. Marital counseling takes an eclectic approach in making the primary focus of the therapy on the relationship, alongside the needs of the individuals in this relationship. Our professionals are fully trained to coach the couples in learning how to improve this relationship. When it comes to improving the marital relationship, our attitude towards changing it is more important and crucial than what action we will have to take.

The major principle of marital counseling is to change the view regarding this relationship. This shift in the paradigm is brought about through the therapeutic process. It promotes the understanding of the nature of this relationship and the roles of the partners in it.

The major work is being done on discouraging blaming patterns and promoting healthy solution-focused habits. Our expert psychologists make the most use of their core counseling and situational counseling skills to specifically target this area. We give the couple the tools to start building or rebuilding their trust in the relationship.

While being in a relationship, it sometimes becomes difficult for the partners to understand the nature of each other’s habits, and the difference between them might become overwhelming. Our counselors are fully trained in helping our clients build healthy habits. With our supportive programs, such as Structure of Habit and Seven Habits of Highly Effective Couples, we are able to ensure that healthy habits are built and sustained with proper skills.