The different elements covered by the treatment program ensure that patients suffering from addiction or other mental illnesses, get comprehensive training in improving multiple dimensions of their lives.
Addiction & Mental Health Treatment Programs
We offer personalized treatment programs for drug addiction and a number of other psychiatric disorders. The eclectic approach towards therapy that we employ takes into consideration the unique attributes of each individual along with the varying nature of their problem. Our treatment strategy is based on the principle that a one-dimensional model of counseling may not work for each individual. For this very reason, we work in close connection with clients and their families to construct individualized treatment plans that fulfill their unique therapeutic requirements.
The defining feature of our treatment modality is the integrative treatment approach that we adopt, based on a blend of the latest and long-standing, research-based techniques that have been scientifically proven to yield results. The treatment options that we provide are designed to bring about a holistic change in the lives of clients suffering from addiction or other psychological problems. Apart from counseling programs that are specifically designed to address the core psychological problem, our treatment approach focuses on empowering clients to focus on personal development, learn the life skills necessary to limit the dysfunctionality caused by the illness and restructure their maladaptive paradigms. Our treatment program is, therefore, based on five basic components, which include:

Indoor & Outdoor Treatment

Heroin Addiction Treatment

Cannabis Treatment

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

The different elements covered by the treatment program ensure that patients suffering from addiction or other mental illnesses, get comprehensive training in improving multiple dimensions of their lives. The core counseling process focuses primarily on the primary psychological problem that clients are afflicted with. It introduces clients to a variety of educational material and stresses management strategies that pertain to their primary psychological issue. For clients suffering from addiction, core counseling would focus on aspects such as detoxification and withdrawal management. Similarly, denial and craving management would also constitute areas within the sphere of core counseling that directly address the fundamental psychological problem.
Supportive counseling builds upon the aforementioned mode of counseling and aims to provide clients with the guidance necessary to deal with other behavioral and cognitive difficulties that could interfere with the treatment of the primary illness. Supportive counseling allows the clients to both learn and exercise skills that could supplement their recovery process. It involves teaching them strategies that can improve their communication abilities, improve their level of emotional intelligence, and learn to cope with stress, just to name a few.
Our Treatment Videos
Personal development counseling is another facet of our treatment process that emphasizes the provision of therapeutic input, which empowers them to explore and expand their personal capacities. It can help them address the dysfunctionality in their lives by enhancing their self-awareness. It can assist them in adopting vital behaviors that can help them improve the quality of their lives. Situational counseling is another element of the treatment program at Willing Ways, which focuses primarily on crisis management. It helps clients deal with crises in their lives by offering them assistance that is designed to meet the requirements of that particular situation. This form of counseling lends the clients emotional support and helps them cope with the distress-evoking scenarios they face.
Another mode of treatment that we offer is follow-up counseling, which refers simply to the continuation of the care and support that was made available to the clients during indoor treatment. It helps them readjust to their lives and ensures that therapeutic assistance is made readily available to them while they are gradually reassuming control of their lives. The diverse nature of our treatment program allows us to instill a comprehensive change in the client’s life. Through the program, clients get a chance to address the dysfunctionalities in their personal, professional, and social lives. They learn skills that can help them adopt healthy lives and minimize the chances of experiencing a relapse.