Tasks For Patients In Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a disease in which a patient has to take responsibility for his treatment, and it is important that he has to perform these tasks in a very good manner. In the disease of addiction, there is a risk factor for relapse; the patient should understand and take responsibility for his treatment. At the best addiction treatment center in Karachi, patients understand that there are risk factors for relapse in the disease of addiction, so they take full responsibility for their treatment and recovery.

There is some task for the patient that is highly recommended to them, and these are the core of the treatment.

1. Total abstinence

Total abstinence is an essential part of addiction recovery. On the road to recovery for a drug-free Life, we believe that if a patient leaves his main drugs but starts to continue to take drugs like cigarettes, battle nuts, and different forms of tobacco, in recovery, there is a need to stop taking any kind of drugs except cigarette, battle nuts and different kind of tobacco, as well as there is no chance to take drugs eventually or in a specific event.

2. Learn about your disease 

There is a need to learn about this disease. Addicts generally firmed mistaken or wrong Beliefs about drugs, disease, and treatment. They have cognitive errors regarding drugs and usage of drugs, so there is a need for that patient to know about the disease. ; patients should learn about the disease and take care of themselves very well. In this case, Sadaqat Clinic is the best rehabilitation center in Karachi, where they provide counseling on addiction and work on patient’s tasks in recovery.

Task #3  Self-diagnosis 

In the third task, the patient should be able to diagnose himself about his characteristics, the nature of the disease, and its types. In the disease of addiction, patients suffer from denial, where they cannot see the phase of their disease. And denial has different patterns, so there is a need to identify the pattern of denial( like blaming, rationalization, etc.

Task#4: Reduce your frame of reference in a single day;

This task indicates the signs of a codependent patient and the patients who are in fresh recovery have a lot on their minds. They think about performing multiple tasks and duties that they were unable to do during the active phase of addiction. Now, in recovery, they aim to correct all the mess they made during their addiction phase. However, it’s important not to dwell on the past or become anxious about the future. Instead, just focus on the present day. Make a plan for a single day.

Task#5 Develop activities that support recovery;

After addiction treatment, like other diseases, the patient loses their priority regarding recovery, and other activities get a high priority in the patient’s life. However, in this task, it is the patient’s responsibility to rearrange his activities, which are supportable in porn addiction recovery and never lose priority; for recovery in your life, recovery should be a top priority after other activities come.

Task#6 Making abstinence unconditional 

In this task, there is a need to make a recovery unconditional, which means in some specific conditions, patients consider that they could take drugs, conditions such as the death of a loved one, a relationship breakup un, employment con, conflicts, etc.

Task#7 Inform others about your recovery

The patient’s task is to tell about his recovery from crystal meth addiction to significant figures in his life, make a plan, and share plans in cooperation with the significant. Make a recovery plan and analyze things that are helpful for you to share with your counselor.

Task #8 Develop a plan to prevent relapse:

An important task of the patient is to make a plan which can help to prevent relapse, for example, find out your triggers where you cannot manage and prevent yourself from taking drugs, for example, meeting with old friends, stress, death of a loved one, etc. Find out your triggers, and after that, make a strategic plan to prevent yourself from getting a relapse example. Learn to say no to drugs to different people and in different situations.

Task #9 Take family support; 

Family plays an important role in addiction recovery, and there is a need to take support from family. It is a patient’s responsibility to include family members in his recovery and give his rights to their family because the patient has to understand that he is weak and the environment is very strong to catch them again. The family gives their total cooperation to the patient in treatment, and as the patient gets overconfident, his risk of relapse increases. So patients should keep in mind that family has a 50 percent role in treatment, and they can only achieve this support if they give them right.

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