Summertime often means that college students come home, and teenagers get a break from school. While this free time can be fun, it also increases the chances of exposure to drugs and alcohol, especially with limited adult supervision. It’s important for parents to be alert during this time and watch for early warning signs of substance abuse.
Understanding the Early Signs of Addiction
Dr. Indra Cidambi, founder of the Center for Network Therapy in New Jersey, has worked in substance abuse treatment for over a decade. She explains that addiction often starts as experimentation, with marijuana being common around age 13. Recognizing the early signs can help parents intervene before the situation escalates.
Addiction changes people, but the signs may appear gradually. Look for these five common changes that could indicate substance abuse in your child:
Change in Friends
Your child may start distancing themselves from old friends who don’t engage in risky behavior, instead forming new friendships with peers who encourage substance use. Teens may turn to drugs and alcohol to fit in or manage stress. Stay connected by talking regularly and creating a safe space where your child feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns.
Change in Behavior
Substance abuse often leads to changes in behavior. Look for signs like mood swings, reduced social interactions, or risky behavior. For instance, if an outgoing child becomes withdrawn, avoids eye contact, or shows irritability and signs of depression, it’s worth exploring further. Reckless driving or poor academic performance can also be red flags.
Change in Appearance
Pay attention if your child’s appearance changes noticeably. For instance, they might wear wrinkled or unclean clothes, have red or glassy eyes, or show unusual physical signs like a persistent runny nose. Some kids may even wear long sleeves in warm weather to hide signs of injecting drugs. Don’t ignore these changes—they could point to substance use.
Change in Hobbies
If your child suddenly stops enjoying their usual activities—like sports or creative hobbies—it might mean drugs or alcohol have become a priority. Addiction can take over their attention, leaving little room for past interests. If you notice this shift, talk to them to understand if there’s a deeper issue.
Change in Eating Habits
Substance abuse often brings changes to eating habits. Your child might binge eat—commonly referred to as the “munchies”—or they might have no appetite at all. These shifts can have a big impact on their overall health. If their eating patterns change drastically, it could be a sign of substance use.
How to Address the Issue
If you spot any of these signs, it’s important to address them calmly and directly. Start by having an open conversation to understand what your child is experiencing. Encourage them to share their feelings and remind them that you’re there to support them.
Willing Ways Islamabad offers guidance and resources for parents to help address substance abuse and get the support your child needs.
By staying alert to these early warning signs and maintaining open communication, you can take proactive steps to help your child avoid falling deeper into addiction.