Role of Intervention in Addiction Treatment

What is an intervention?

Intervention at the best addiction treatment center in Karachi is a scientific structure to intervene in order to bring betterment to anything. It is helpful in every aspect of life, whether it occurs in the workplace, organization, medical treatment, or any relationship. By intervening, we target problematic behavior, which destroys the functioning of anything. For instance, if any particular behavior is annoying for one partner in a relationship so he can get help by doing interventions like talking about the behavior which is irritating him so that his partner would improve that behavior in order to make the relationship smooth. Here, in this article, we mainly focus on intervention in addiction treatment. In addiction treatment, intervention has a very significant role as it plays an important role and bringing betterment in the lives of individuals and family members who suffer from the disease of addiction.

When intervention is necessary?

Intervention is necessary when there is problematic behavior occurs in any relationship or other aspects of life. If we mainly talk about intervention in addiction treatment, the treatment methods for substance abuse disorder are necessary when the patient does not realize the consequences of his action. For instance, he does not recognize that his act of doing drugs, regardless of consequences, can lead him to death. So here, it is the responsibility of his family members to do intervention in order to make him realize that his act of doing drugs has a direct correlation with the problems in his life.

Why intervention is necessary?

Intervention in addiction treatment plays a crucial role in helping individuals overcome General Anxiety Disorder. Here’s why: in addiction, the patient may not realize that they have an issue regarding drug use. The family members may clearly see the relationship between drug use and its consequences, but the patient’s denial prevents them from recognizing the problem. Denial is a prominent symptom of addiction, as the patient refuses to acknowledge the issue with drug use, believing that everything is fine. Consequently, the patient may not agree to seek treatment, as they perceive their behavior as normal. This denial hinders the patient from accepting the reality of addiction and its consequences. As a result, family members must take action and intervene to guide the patient toward seeking the necessary treatment. When family members see that now it is very important to take action against this disease of addiction, then, they decide to go to experts of addiction and get suggestions from them, and then experts and family members collaborate with each other and decide to do crisis intervention of patient suffering from the disease of addiction.


Family intervention

Once crisis intervention occurs and the patient’s treatment from intervention gets started, then, family members are asked to write letters to patients in which they write about the events that occur in active addiction, which are related to the pain and suffering of family members. When they write these letters, they assertively present them to the patient so that he can realize that in active addiction, how his disease of addiction gives pain to his family members and how they have suffered from the disease of addiction. It is basically the backbone of the whole addiction treatment in which the family gives the justification of why he brought the patient into the treatment against his own will. It is helpful in improving the communication style of family members. Through this intervention, the family can learn how to talk about problematic behavior in an assertive way. As we discussed earlier that it is the backbone of treatment, so it is clear that family involvement in intervention is directly related to the patient’s recovery. Willing Ways is the best drug addiction center in Pakistan; it trains the family of the individual who suffers from an addiction to effectively intervene in the disease of addiction in order to bring betterment in the life of individuals suffering from addiction.

Method of intervention

It is essential to approach intervention in addiction treatment scientifically and comprehensively, incorporating the principles of Dual Diagnosis Therapy. There are five key ingredients to consider when conveying feelings and discussing problematic behavior. Firstly, identifying the incident – what happened? Secondly, exploring feelings – what emotions did you experience about that incident? Thirdly, understanding the response – how did you react to the situation? Fourthly, examining the actual response – what should have been done in that situation? And finally, nurturing hope – what are your aspirations for the future? So when families present these events by writing them step by step so it has a very positive impact on the patient’s recovery. The patient’s recovery could improve as intervention is done by the family in every meeting. It is done formally once, and after that, it is done informally.

Purpose of intervention

The purpose of the intervention is to bring insight to the patient suffering from addiction, helping them understand the urgency of seeking treatment and accepting their disease of addiction. Effective communication tips from an addict play a crucial role in this process, assisting family members in breaking through the patient’s denial. By employing these communication strategies, the patient can come to terms with the reality of their situation and recognize the severity of their baffling disease of addiction. Ultimately, the intervention aims to pave the way for the patient’s acceptance of help and initiation of their journey toward recovery. Another purpose of intervention is to break the denial of family as well as family also suffers from denial so they can accept the fact that their loved one is suffering from a very serious condition. Furthermore, the purpose of intervention is to express the feelings of family members which were suppressed during active addiction.

                                                                                                          Written by

Anum Saleem


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