Category Archives: Mental Health

Signs Your Children are Abusing Drugs or Alcohol.

Signs Your Children Are Abusing Drugs or Alcohol.

Summertime often means that college students come home, and teenagers get a break from school. While this free time can be fun, it also increases the chances of exposure to drugs and alcohol, especially with limited adult supervision. It’s important for parents to be alert during this time and watch for early warning signs of[…]

Is Fear of Emotion Driving Our Addiction?

Is Fear of Emotion Driving Our Addiction

Humans often feel torn between fully engaging with the emotions life brings, such as love and passion, and trying to avoid the pain and unpredictability of these emotions. When we choose avoidance, we may turn to certain behaviors, like addiction, as a way to escape. From social media to substances like alcohol and drugs, anything[…]

Adrenaline Addiction: Powerful Pluses, Risks, and Ways to Control It

Adrenaline Addiction

When people think of addiction, substances like drugs or alcohol typically come to mind. However, adrenaline addiction is a unique form of dependency where individuals thrive on the rush of stress-induced adrenaline. This behavior often manifests through procrastination, risky activities, or confrontational habits to experience the high. If left unchecked, it can lead to physical[…]

Understanding Three Phases of Addiction.

Three Phases of Addiction

Addiction to substances such as tobacco, alcohol, stimulants, and opiates follows a predictable cycle. A study by experts Nora Volkow, George Koob, and Thomas McLellan outlines the phases that addiction takes hold: binge and intoxication, withdrawal and negative affect, and preoccupation and craving. Each stage corresponds to changes in brain systems, reinforcing addictive behaviors. The[…]

Four Reasons You Should Pay More Attention to Alcohol Abuse

Four Reasons You Should Pay More Attention to Alcohol Abuse

Four Reasons to Pay More Attention to Alcohol Abuse Alcohol is one of the most commonly misused substances worldwide, with serious consequences for individuals and communities. Here’s why it deserves more attention: 1. Alcohol Is Not Harmless Unlike cocaine or heroin, alcohol’s dangers are often downplayed. Binge drinking, while socially accepted in many circles, can[…]

Are You ‘Addicted’ to Chaos?

Are You ‘Addicted’ to Chaos

Is ‘Chaos Addiction’ Another Term For ‘Workaholism’ or Something Different? Last year, three independent things happened that led me to write this article. Firstly, I received an email from one of my blog readers who wrote: “I’m a recovering addict. I still find that hard to admit even after time in therapy and the support of my[…]

5 Crazy Facts About Gambling

The Psychology of Gambling

Gambling is a fascinating psychological phenomenon, deeply rooted in human behavior. Extensive research has explored how psychological processes shape gambling habits, often revealing surprising insights. Below are five compelling facts about gambling and the psychology behind it. 1. Being in a Good Mood Leads to Increased Gambling Did you know that your mood can influence[…]

Can Compulsive Internet Use Affect Adolescent Mental Health?

Can Compulsive Internet Use Affect Adolescent Mental Health

Adolescence is a crucial stage in life, where individuals undergo numerous physical, emotional, and social changes. With the rise of the Internet, young people are increasingly turning to online spaces for communication, entertainment, and learning. While the Internet offers several advantages, there is a growing concern about its potential impact on adolescent mental health. What[…]

Train Your Brain to Release Stress

Train Your Brain to Release Stress

Feel Better Faster with Emotional Brain Training (EBT) Stress has become a common problem in today’s world, heavily affecting our mental and physical health. It’s not just a feeling—it’s contributing to serious issues like rising rates of suicides and drug overdoses. For example, a New York Times report revealed that the death rate for young[…]

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