Dr. Mansoor Ul Haq

About Him
Dr. Col. Mansoor Ul Haq a graduate ofdr-mansoor-profile-pic prestigious king Edward medical college (1973-78), is having more than thirty years experience of working as medical specialist/consultant physician. He served in Pakistan army medical corps from 1980 to 2003 as medical specialist in various CMHs of Pakistan. He also spent three years deputation to Saudi Arabia (1986-89) and worked as medical specialist in armed force hospital sharoweah. While in study leave (1990-91), he underwent postgraduate medical training at St. Thomas hospital London and western general hospital Edinburgh. Since august 2008 he is working as consultant physician and diabetologist at diabetic institute of Pakistan .he has special interest in the management of type ii diabetes mellitus and its complication, hypertension, dyslipidemias and thyroid disorder.