There are Four Levels of Denial

Lack of Information

Conscious Defensiveness

Unconscious Defensiveness

Denial Management: Denial is a refusal to accept the painful reality that can change our perception. In fact, it is automatic and unconscious responses or reactions that may cause relapse in any disease. It has its own pros and cons. It may temporarily remove the grief and any emotional pain by creating a misperception that the problem is solved. But at the same time, it blocks acceptance. In our lives, when we face losses, e.g., the death of a loved one, relationship loss, or any other kind of loss may result in denial.
The approach to denial management changes when it is associated with any kind of addiction. People use poor choices of being alcoholics and addicts to deal with denial about their mistakes, regrets, and shame. Even the same pattern is followed by those people who are suffering from chronic diseases like Diabetes and Heart disease. It is observed that alcoholics and addicts made the following common statements to deny their realities.
“I can quit anytime, whenever I decide to quit.”
“I drink to forget my problems.”
“Anybody in my situation would drink.”
The severity of addiction makes denial stronger. This situation becomes painful and bewildering for the family and friends. Indeed, “denial is the hallmark of drug addiction”. That’s why denial management is the essential and critical protocol of addiction recovery. In other words, denial management is inevitable for addiction treatment. It is also a long-lasting part to avoid relapse.
Conscious awareness is the first step in effective denial management. Immediate recognition of denial thoughts is mandatory for its management. Some experts suggest that for effective denial management, it is very important to manage all feelings, thoughts, and actions that are directly and indirectly related to each denial pattern. Although denial is a shock absorber, and it helps us to avoid all kinds of emotional pain (shame, guilt, and regret) in an addict’s life, it may create hindrances in his recovery.
An addict can use the following denial patterns
( I will talk about anything but the problem!)
(No not me!)
(It’s not that bad!)
(I have a good reason!)
(Others are worse than me!)
(I will only recover if you do what I want!)
(Being afraid of the consequences of drinking and drugging will keep me sober!)
(I will say anything you want to hear if you leave me alone!)
(Feeling better means that I am better!)
(I have the right to drink and drug myself to death!)
(Since nothing will work I don’t have to try!)
For effective denial management, one should learn to recognize denial patterns promptly. Whenever we get awareness that we are using denial patterns, we may turn it off by doing these easy steps: pause, relax, reflect, and decide. Pause and observe the real manifestation of denial patterns. Acknowledge your state. Then, by doing any relaxation activity like deep breathing, you can relax your body and consciously imagine that the stress is going out from your body; then reflect on your experiences by asking, Do I really want to keep using denial, or do I look at the realities of my life. As a final point, you decide whether or not you will keep using denial. By doing all these steps, you will have to take responsibility for the consequences. In principle, graceful acceptance is the antidote to denial. Here, in willing ways, we develop insight into our patients by using the tools of structured intervention and detailed work on denial management.