Author Archives: Dr. Sadaqat ali

How to Handle Average Performers?

How to Handle Average Performers

Dear Dr. Sadaqat Ali, I head a boutique. I am struggling with two low performers and their irresponsibility for months. We upgraded our software systems several years ago, and they still do not understand how the software works. Their best performance on average lies in medium range, but there is not enough cause to terminate[…]

How to Break The Spell of Silence?

How to Break The Spell of Silence

Dear Dr. Sadaqat Ali, I have a twenty-one years old son. He has drifted in and out of college classes and lacks direction and ambition. He spends most of his time hanging out with friends. We are two completely different personalities, I am very organized, serious, and high-strung. He is very laid-back, social, and unconcerned[…]

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