The word ‘relationships’ refers to social connections, where two or more individuals interact, meet, care for each other, think about each other, help each other, and try to understand each other better. This is the identity of every positive relationship. A relationship is basically a connection or bond between people, which can be of different[…]
Author Archives: Dr. Sadaqat ali
Cravings are one of the most persistent challenges faced during the recovery process from drug addiction. They can be triggered by various factors such as people, places, times, feelings, or specific situations. Effective cravings management relies on identifying these triggers and developing strategies to overcome them. Among the many scientific approaches, classical conditioning offers powerful[…]
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition marked by recurring obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, or urges, while compulsions are repetitive behaviors performed to ease the anxiety triggered by these obsessions. What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? People with OCD experience intrusive thoughts that lead to repetitive behaviors, often[…]
Addiction is a disease in which a patient has to take responsibility for his treatment, and it is important that he has to perform these tasks in a very good manner. In the disease of addiction, there is a risk factor for relapse; the patient should understand and take responsibility for his treatment. At the[…]
A crucial conversation involves discussing challenging topics where opinions differ without creating conflict or disrespect. This approach fosters open dialogue in situations like addressing a colleague’s poor performance, discussing a sibling’s anger issues, or providing feedback on a flawed proposal. Many people lack the skills to handle such conversations effectively, leading to misunderstandings and heightened[…]
Personality, a brief overview: From introverted and eccentric to bold and energetic, the human personality is a unique canvas with many shades and hues of behavioral, cognitive, and emotional patterns. Over here at the best addiction treatment center in Islamabad, there are many treatments that are available here for the betterment of addicts persons under[…]
Denial is a pattern in which an individual does not accept reality and maintains comfort by not accepting painful realities. Denial has many types, which is also called defense mechanism and pattern of denial. There are different patterns of denial, and by using these patterns, an individual copes with difficult and painful feelings. Seek professional[…]
Withdrawals are of two types. Acute withdrawals Post-acute withdrawals The word withdrawals, often experienced during the recovery journey over here at the best addiction treatment center in Lahore, is the problem of the time, meaning the pain that emerges after drug abstinence. After abstaining from drugs, the immediate occurrences are known as acute withdrawals. As[…]
Addiction is not an individual disease; it is a family disease that affects family members as well. As a fire in the forest spreads speedily and takes the whole forest in effect, same like that, addiction also spreads like this and affects every family member. Seek professional help from mental health specialists at the best[…]
Families of drug addicts find it horrible to communicate with the addict. That is because they do not know how to communicate with the person suffering from addiction. They never learned the tools for treating someone suffering from addiction. Seek professional support from the best addiction treatment center in Lahore for comprehensive care and management.[…]