Wakeel Murad
Director/ Addiction Counselor

About Him
Wakeel Murad has been working in the field of Drug Addiction for almost 20 years as a Certified Drug Addiction Counselor (CDAC) . An eclectic counsellor with a diversity of approaches in the management of various kinds of addiction and behavioural disorders, he believes that personal well-being is achievable for any person regardless of his or her previous difficulties in therapy and life circumstances. His experience extends to the management of obsessive-compulsive disorder behavior, anger issues, anxiety, depression, addictive behavior, and relationship strife. He defines his purpose as to provide holistic treatment, which is based on experience garnered from years of in depth professional training, and simultaneously a treatment that is based on individual assessment resulting in counselling that does not side step its essential human element. As a Drug Addiction Counselor, he is trained in several areas. He has advanced skills in accessing subconscious patterns which contribute to suffering. He welcomes the opportunity to work with you, your family or those you love. You will always be treated with respect and with utmost confidentiality. He works in an integrative way with other team members of the organization. He is the director of Willing Ways Karachi. He did his B.Sc from Punjab University and MBA from Indus University, Karachi. During his studies, he developed a profound interest in Counseling and decided to pursue his career in this field. He has completed two levels of counseling training under UNDCP for drug addiction and alcoholism at both graduate & master levels in DAYTOP Model, which is based on the Therapeutic Community (TC) model. A large proportion of Mr. Murad’s success as a counsellor is based on the mentorship of renowned addiction psychiatrist Dr. Sadaqat Ali, who is a pioneering figure in his field and Stephen R. Covey, an international educator. Mr. Murad has full command of publications by the esteemed Covey and Franklin Covey in their entirety. He has earned ample experience that is used to guide families through the complex dynamics of topics such as Interventions, Tough Love, Assertiveness, communication skills, Change Strategies and Personal Development, Crucial Conversation, Crucial Confrontation and Change Anything. He possesses a powerful combination of leadership skills, passion and commitment towards unceasing improvement. He is very fond of studying, sports and gym, and reads profusely.